Explore, participate, and get connected!
Sundays | 9:30–10:45am | Student Center
We aim to provide a space for students to study God’s Word and seek its application in a peer-to-peer setting. Every Sunday morning at 9:30am, we create this environment in the Student Center near the Gym. You can join us, enjoy some cinnamon rolls, find a spot at a table, hang out, participate in an organized game, and then engage in a discussion about Scripture and life.
Various times and places throughout the year
Small Groups play a crucial role in discipleship within our High School Ministry. These gatherings primarily take place on Sunday nights in the homes of either a background-checked leader or a host family. Our groups are divided by gender and grade, each led by at least two responsible adult leaders. This is an opportunity to be part of a deeper and more intimate small group community.
First Sunday of the month | 6:30–8:30pm (doors open at 6pm) | Gym
(Last Sunday Night Gathering of the school year is May 5.)
Although small groups are fantastic, we also value coming together as a larger community. So, on the first Sunday night of each month, we all gather at the church for an event that can only be described as epic. We hang out, enjoy food, engage in some fun and crazy games, and then, most importantly, we come together to worship and discuss Jesus.
5th–6th Grades | 9:30–10:45am | Room 100
7th–8th Grades | 9:30–10:45am | Gym (combined with High School for the summer)
Join us as we look at big truths in the Bible and see how it relates to everyday life.
Wednesdays | 6:30-8pm | Gym
(Restarting after summer break beginning Sept 4)
On Wednesday nights, the doors to our building are open to 5th–8th graders for the best night of their week! Middle School Night is a high-energy program that includes gym games, teaching time, and times in small groups. It’s a great opportunity for students to connect with their peers, small group leaders, and most importantly God.