Explore, participate, and get connected!
There are classes and opportunities for you to learn and connect outside of the worship services on Sunday mornings.
Are you new to Riverwood or have been attending for a while and are ready to take the next step to get to know Riverwood more? Join us during the 11am service for our four-week Discovery Group class which introduces you to our priorities, beliefs, and structure. Once completed, you can register for a one-week Membership class.
Baptism shows that you identify with Jesus and are taking your faith public. It is an outward symbol of an inward change. If you are a believer in Jesus and have never been baptized, we encourage you to consider doing so!
Baptism by immersion is an ancient rite of identification and one of the ordinances we practice at Riverwood. Through the action of baptism, believers demonstrate the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus.
Complete the application form for more information and/or to sign up to be a candidate for baptism.
Fill out the Serving at Riverwood form, and we will follow up with you.
We love to hear testimonies of changed lives and would love to hear yours!
If you have a word of encouragement or a story of how God showed up in your life, please fill out the form below to encourage us.